SEEN AT 2024/10/22 01:00:02
Script runs every day at midnight. For any questions/comments, contact aalain@trstech.net
Root zone signed : 2010/07/15
AFRINIC managed reverse DNS zones

IPV4 IPV6 Date of first DNSKEY Record Date of first DS Record
  • 41.in-addr.arpa.
  • 196.in-addr.arpa.
  • 197.in-addr.arpa.
  • 102.in-addr.arpa.
  • 105.in-addr.arpa.
  • 154.in-addr.arpa.
    • 0.c.2.ip6.arpa.
    2012/04/01 2012/04/22
    Unsigned ccTLDs : 26
    Signed ccTLDs without DS in root zone : 4
    Signed ccTLDs with DS in root zone : 28
    DNSKEY Records
    Date of first
    DS Records
    .ac.AscensionHas DS in root zone42665 RSA/SHA-2562011/04/28 2011/04/30
    .ao.AngolaIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .bf.Burkina FasoIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .bi.BurundiIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .bj.BeninHas DS in root zone26617 RSA/SHA-2562022/09/28 2022/11/04
    .bw.BotswanaHas DS in root zone62453 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562015/11/22 2015/12/04
    .cd.Democartic Republic of CongoIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .cf.Central African RepIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .cg.CongoIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .ci.Ivory CoastHas DS in root zone60224 RSA/SHA-2562022/08/30 2022/09/27
    .cm.CameroonIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .cv.Cape Verde IslandsIs unsigned2024/06/042024/10/12
    .dj.DjiboutiIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .dz.AlgeriaHas DS in root zone17380 RSA/SHA-2562019/02/21 2019/06/25
    .eg.EgyptIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .er.EritreaHas DS in root zone6518 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562023/10/24 2023/11/02
    .et.EthiopiaHas no DS in root zone,
    but has DNSKEY published
    RSASHA256 RSA/SHA-2562019/01/23 2024/10/12
    .ga.Gabon RepublicIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .gh.GhanaIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .gm.GambiaIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .gn.Guinea, RepHas DS in root zone9311 RSA/SHA-2562012/04/19 2013/05/01
    .gq.Equatorial GuineaIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .gw.Guinea, BissauHas DS in root zone31518 RSA/SHA-5122015/02/12 2018/04/26
    .ke.KenyaHas DS in root zone17597 RSA/SHA-2562014/02/23 2014/03/21
    .km.ComorosIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .lr.LiberiaHas DS in root zone29984 RSA/SHA-2562011/06/10 2017/04/13
    .ls.LesothoHas DS in root zone724 RSA/SHA-2562023/11/16 2024/06/18
    .ly.LibyaHas DS in root zone62311 RSA/SHA-2562021/04/22 2021/05/10
    .ma.MoroccoHas DS in root zone41102 RSA/SHA-2562014/02/21 2016/02/20
    .mg.MadagascarHas DS in root zone31916 RSA/SHA-2562016/03/17 2016/03/19
    .ml.Mali RepublicIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .mr.MauritaniaHas DS in root zone24775 RSA/SHA-2562020/01/24 2020/04/03
    .mu.MauritiusIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .mw.MalawiIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .mz.MozambiqueIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .na.NamibiaHas DS in root zone25079 RSA/SHA-2562009/09/01 2010/07/16
    .ne.Niger RepublicIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .ng.NigeriaIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .re.Reunion IslandHas DS in root zone61047 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562010/09/14 2010/09/26
    .rw.RwandaHas DS in root zone39755 RSA/SHA-2562022/04/22 2022/05/13
    .sc.SeychellesHas DS in root zone2539 RSA/SHA-256N/A 2010/11/12
    .sd.SudanIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .sh.St. HelenaHas DS in root zone55297 RSA/SHA-2562011/04/28 2011/04/30
    .sl.Sierra LeoneHas no DS in root zone,
    but has DNSKEY published


    2016/03/04 2024/10/12
    .sn.Senegal RepublicHas DS in root zone17591 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562016/09/01 2016/10/01
    .so.Somalia RepublicHas no DS in root zone,
    but has DNSKEY published
    RSASHA256 RSA/SHA-2562022/07/20 2024/10/12
    .ss.South SudanHas DS in root zone39884 RSA/SHA-2562019/03/25 2019/09/01
    .st.Sao Tome & PrincipeIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .sz.SwazilandIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .td.Chad RepublicHas no DS in root zone,
    but has DNSKEY published
    RSASHA256 RSA/SHA-2562023/02/04 2024/10/12
    .tg.TogoIs unsigned------2024/10/12
    .tn.TunisiaHas DS in root zone8629 RSA/SHA-2562014/09/20 2014/09/27
    .tz.TanzaniaHas DS in root zone30234 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562012/10/13 2013/02/09
    .ug.UgandaHas DS in root zone2767 RSA/SHA-2562011/09/18 2011/11/13
    .yt.Mayotte IslandHas DS in root zone2488 ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-2562010/09/17 2010/09/18
    .za.South AfricaHas DS in root zone45749 RSA/SHA-2562016/12/09 2016/12/17
    .zm.ZambiaHas DS in root zone35075 RSA/SHA-2562015/10/03 2015/10/09
    .zw.ZimbabweIs unsigned------2024/10/12